Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby it's COLD outside!!

We are currently at 26° Our pellet stove is doing double time. We usually turn it down at night but not the past few nights. brrrr. And my electric blanket was cranked on high with extra blankets added to the bed. I cannot stand being cold!
We are home again today. I did get 3 pages scrapped ( Chan's volleyball) yesterday and plan for more today. (This years fanfest). I got just a few of the photos of the girls outside, they went outside for very short times. I remember the days when we had to practically drag them inside. These shots were taken just after it was turning dark outside. I guess I will take what I can get.

After dinner we played tripoley, we had a blast. Chandler has a problem with letting on what is in her hand for the poker part, so she grabbed her ultra cool sunglasses (like they do on the poker shows) So we took a photo of all of us with our "poker faces"
Bill went into work again today. Waiting for daylight. It is 11:30 and he should be home by 1pm, before the roads and traffic get real bad. And he is bringing home lunch. yum
Well enjoy the photos, I will post my scrapped pages either later today or tomorrow. Stay warm. Hugs and Giggles.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More Snow Photos

Enjoy our Winter Wonderland!!


At this point I don't think Chandler cares to much about all the snow. She is saving her energy! :)
Sammy eating a hearty breakfast before she goes out and plays in the snow!!

This is what we woke up to this morning

We went to bed last night around 12 not knowing if they were going to cancel school or not. We knew they should, but you never know out here in hickville. I woke up at normal time of 5:15, saw we had no school on the news, then I had to wait for the phone tree call, that came at 5:30. Had a few gulps of java and went back to bed til the cats woke me up at 8. I got dressed and took a bunch of pictures before the girls trash the yard and deck! lol

Total snow fall is around 5/6 inches.

Im going to get busy and do some scrapbooking today. Stay warm. Hugs and Giggles!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cats and Hair bands

Okay, not the 80's hair bands...Ponytail hair bands! lol

We seem to have a couple of smart cats. They LOVE hairbands. But they are not good for them, they chew them up and will eventually eat them. NOT a good thing. The other day I happen to catch Loca on the counter in the bathroom, trying to open the drawer that we keep the hairbands in, FiFi was on the floor as getaway cat. I had caught them later with the drawer open and FiFi with hair bands all around her on the floor that Loca had tossed her. Of course I couldn't find the camera that time. It is already bad enough that we have an elastic headband on the cabinet knobs so they can't get in there...yeah right. So anyways, the girls and I were trying to come up with a small compact type container for the hair bands. This is what we came up with. ( small pringles cans) The girls love them. Now I need to make room for them in the medicine cabinet! lol Enjoy the photos. I have also included a photo of the cats in the window sill. If you look, you will see a fir? tree just behind the cat on the left. That is where the water from the flood reached. Scary huh. Hugs and Giggles

Friday, November 24, 2006

Scrapbooking AHA

I told you yesterday that I have been scrapbooking and came up with something cool. Well to me anyways! lol

I was scrapping Sammy's 8th grade graduation photos and was trying to do a color scheme taken from her blouse/top. I had the base color but all of my cardstocxk was a little off for the rest, so as I sat here trying to come up with something. The light bulb went off (very rare)lol!

I took her top and color copied it onto white cs. OMG!! What an amazing thing. I think it turned out GREAT. Tell me what you think! Hugs and Giggles

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

To all of my friends and family. Here's wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe travels during this holiday season.
I am Thankful for so much, to many to write but here is just a few...

1. My dear husband who puts up with my quirkiness and supports me no matter what.
2. My 2 darling daughters, who amaze, confuse and love me. I am so proud to be their "mommy"
3. My Girlfriends, sisters I have always wanted.
4. My life, I wouldn't change a thing.

What are you Thankful for today?

Will post some scrap pages I worked on last week. I came up with something really cool.

Hugs and Giggles
Im off to pig out!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

alot going on!

Since the computer crash of 11/06 Life has been busy busy busy! A friend of mine will be getting us a lower cost XP pro for the computer so we will be able to have word, excel etc. And I will be able to redownload mine and the girls handwriting fonts (they are soo cool) Thanks to Kimberly resending them to me, she rocks! Oh, and the girls will be able to do there homework on the computer again. Thank goodness there are no reports due right now. Chandler went on a field trip today to see the Dead Sea Scrolls, unfortunatley, some time during the FT the poor girl puked up all over her sweatshirt. Poor baby girl. I got a call at work, can I come get Seattle. When I got a hold of the teacher the bus was leaving to come back in like 20 minutes. I can't get to the Interstate in 20 minutes. Hello! The teacher was nervous about exposing the other kids, um hello that is what kids do, pass all the germies around and around and around! Anyways, I met the bus at school, poor kid hadn't eaten lunch, was carrying her puked on sweatshirt what, no parent chaperone didn't have a plastic bag to put it in? ( her's was a dad so can't expect much) and she was freezing. So I got her home into jammies and washed her sweatshirt (came out clean yay) got her some sprite ( got some ginger ale later) and put her in my bed. We both will be staying home tomorrow, she has a slight fever and had barely eaten some saltines. We can snuggle in my bed and watch tv. Hey, maybe I can get some photos organized to scrap. Sammy has practice Wednesday night and Bill offered to buy dinner, a compromise to Chandler really wanting pepperoni pizza for dinner tonight....eeeewww . And I don't have to cook. Sammy has also got a fairly regular babysitting job, so she will be busy with that this weekend. Well I need to go tend to my little sickie girl. Hugs and Giggles

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Well today was real fun! NOT!!
Chandler was on msn messenger today and a friend of hers sent her a link, well she clicked on it and all heck broke loose with the computer we were attacke by dozens of trojan viruses. So about 7 hours later, we lost EVERYTHING on the computer. It even locked up McAfee . Not fun. I spent all day walking on eggshells around Bill.
Luckily last night I uploaded all the flood photos onto
I did lose some great shots of the cats, but Iam sure we will get plenty more. Now Iam in the process of looking for some of my favorite links. If you have any you think I might like, send them to me. Thanks and have a great weekend! Hugs and Giggles


I got creative last night. I have been wanting to stamp all week, since my Winter Mini order came in. But have been busy with all the flood stuff going on. Thursday Sammy went to a lock in at the High School, it was an open mic night and at 10pm only the band members were left for the rest of the night with team building stuff etc. I picked her up at 10:30am Friday. She had only gotten 3 hours of sleep, so she came home and crashed for another 90 minutes got up showered, ate and went babysitting for 2 hours. her mood wasn't too bad either. Chandler stayed busy all day entertaining the cats etc. So anyways, here are the cards I got done. I am hoping to get some more done this weekend. Hugs and Giggles

Friday, November 10, 2006

Flooding Before and After photos

Here are some before(during) the flood and after. Quite a bit of difference.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hubby is Home

The day after!

Whew, we made it through! Last night around 1030 Chandler and I walked to the neighbors to see if the water had receded. It had. We went out this am and took pictures of everything we took pictures of yesterday. You will notice there is quite a bit of difference. Right now we can get out of town by going out through Fall City. So I am pretty sure Bill will be home! yay, plus he is bringing me one of those hand held back massagers. What a guy :)
My back is doing better although I am soo tired for not sleeping well with Bill not here. The girls have cabin fever and are getting on eachothers and mine nerves! But hey, I picked up an eggnog latte while we were out and about and my world is a little bit brighter. lol Now I am hoping for no school tomorrow, but if we go it is only a half day with Friday off! I know what you are saying...I will be complaining in June when we have to make up these days! So true! rofl Enjoy the pictures. Hugs and Giggles

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Whew what a day! We did not have to evacuate. Was close. Carnation is an island right now. All roads are still closed coming in or out of here. Our neighbors house has a moat, see the floating pumpkins. It has receded a bit this evening. The next street over was pretty much underwater( they are closer to the river). We also had the sheriff helicoptor flying by several times, and very low. This afternoon we drove to QFC to get some OJ to go with dinner. We drove down 203 to 60th (to get to my house we turn on 55th) and took this picture of the girls (gotta scrap it ya know) lol When outside we usually hear all the car traffic from 203 but since it is closed we can hear the river roaring, kinda creepy. My DH is in Renton at a motel for the night. Hopefully some roads will open up Wednesday and he can come home. Will get more photos of flooding tomorrow. Stay dry. Hugs and Giggles!

Living on an Island

Well sort of! I live in a small town...Carnation, Wa. Also known as the Lower Snoqualmie
Valley. Right now we are flooded in. ALL roads leading in and out are closed. We have major flooding going on. I woke up at 5am ( I wasn't going in to work today due to my pinched nerve in my back) But still had to get the girls going. I turned on the tv and found out schools are closed. While getting my much needed java there was a pick up parking in my driveway...wth. I went out and asked them what was going on. There house is a block back and they have 3 feet of water. There truck is totally loaded. I am a little worried considering DH drove into town last night around 10pm so he could go to work. Tonight he will get a hotel room ( boss will pay for it) :) I think when we get some daylight I will go out and assess the sitch. And decide what the girls and I need to do. Well I was just outside and we may need to evacuate. Will post later. Hugs and Giggles

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Im not ready for November!!

This is what I came home to this morning after the breakfast shift! ugh The kittens recently have discovered the counter tops, and window sills. They come a runnin when the microwave dings! We have used a spray water bottle and that isn't helping, they also like the paper towel holder. So after I vacumned, swept and mopped the floor, I called Bill who pulled into the nearest pet store and bought some sort of spray to spray the counters with. Tomorrow we are going to take EVERYTHING off the counters, scrub them and put a few things back. Hopefully it will work.
I was meaning to update all last weekend, but life got in the way. I did receive a stamp order on Thursday I LOVE new rubber! lol , and we had a 3 day weekend which I really really needed. I did get some stamping ALL of my Christmas cards are designed and redesigned and actually all done. I have addressed all of the envies, just need to stamp something on them and add the return address. I really cut back on who we are sending too, especially to those I haven't heard from in awhile. This year is all about cutting back, less is more and KISS. I am feeling pretty darn good about it too. We are pretty much done with Xmas for the relatives, now we need to do the girls, which we already know what we are getting them, we just need the $$. lol.
Today we were able to pre-order from the Winter mini...of course since my payday was yesterday.... I just had to order ya know! lol BUT....I actually forgot to order the small tag punch, I couldn't believe it, and yes I paid $3.95 shipping on a punch! I just had to I tell ya! Well Im going to post this and go take some more ibuprofen, I evidently have a pinched nerve in my upper back...not fun. Hugs and Giggles