Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sammy's Trip July 2007

Since Sammy took over 1100 photos, from Washington to Oklahoma and back again, I have to split them up into several posts. Remember, she is fifteen years old and has a different take on things sometimes! lol These were taken on the way home. Las Vegas and Utah. Sammy's uncles Mike and Scott live in Las Vegas. Mike took her on all 3 rides on the Stratasphere. I will scan those photos (from the rides) sometime this week. They drove the strip, had dinner, ate ice cream and watched the water show at the Belagio. Then hit Circus Circus where Sammy won a bunch of stuffed toys. She also won this HUGE teddy bear...pays to have a good throwing arm! Well I am done for tonight. Will post more photos tomorrow. Hugs and Giggles!

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