Thursday, August 14, 2008


Okay, so Sammy came home from Wyoming on 8/3. She had banged up her knee pretty good from sliding and diving during her games. We had been putting hydrogen peroxide and ointment on it. So off we go to to Silverwood. We had a ton of fun on the rides. We never made it to the Waterpark side of the park but did ride the log boom and the other water ride where you get totally drenched. So on Friday we went to Sandpoint and went shopping, during that time Sammy showed us some bumpy things on her leg near her scrapes. We just figured her legs rubbed and being squished in the rides etc. So off she went to Central Washington university for a Fastpitch camp. She called on Monday and said she got more bumps and they look like zits. We told her to leave them alone. So in the meantime Bill and I thought there was a possibility she may have Chicken Pox. Yes, Sammy has never had them. She then calls Tuesday and she has more in her left arm pit. She gets home on Wednesday, wiped out and her zit things look nasty. This morning i called the Doctor because these are looking infected and a few have popped on there own...eeewwwww. Well the Dr is pretty sure it is a Strep infection. We will know for sure on Monday. They scraped one open and took a culture. She is in pain because it is in her lymph nodes and has difficulty walking. She is on Benadryl for itching, Ibuprofen for swelling and 1000 mg of Augmentin 2xs a day for 10 days. We also have to do hot compresses. Sammy has been very emotional today, she has been on the go for nearly 3 weeks and was looking forward to working at Remlingers this weekend. She has been banned from the kitchen and I will fix and get her food for her. We are armed with hand sanitizer and baby wipes and good old fashioned soap. So anyways, think good thoughts that Sammy heals quickly. In the photos the Dr. used apen to mark the areas so that we can tell if they get bigger, if they do we go straight to the E. R. Tomorrow I will post the Silverwood photo's I promise! Hugs and giggles!!

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